Sunday 23 February 2014

First Post ~Sahira

First Post!

Hey, my name is Sahira and I am sharing this blog with Beth. We will post random stuff (including lifestyle, seasonal fashion choices, trends, book + movie related posts, tutorials, food and LOADS more!) which we hope you will like. I love the Hunger Games, me and Beth LOVE Divergent<4 It is amazing! We have an instagram account for this blog and it is @infinatebeauty46, please follow it! We also have individual instagram accounts which are @sahirarahman and @simplymee03 :) We are both 15 years old and living in England. Bethany Mota is an inspiration to us both! 

My iPhone background is fab right?

Do you like my collection for THG? #obsessed

QOTD : What is your FAVOURITE book? :D

Comment below, I can't choose between The Hunger Games and Divergent!


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